
Fideos-Not for those with true taste

In honor of Mom's obession of V8 Juice, here is one of her most common creations:Fideos!

Step 1: Sautee some diced onions in a small amount of oil
Step 2: Break up a package of dried Fideo noodles, add to pan, and sautee until golden brown.
Step 3: Douce the whole thing wtih V8 juice and simmer until noodles are soft and floppy. If you added too much juice, boil rapidly to concentrate the liquid.
Step 4: Serve with a side of cottage cheese and pineapples.

Now - you may say to yourself, what in the heck are Fideos? American Beauty pasta used to make it. It is kind of like vermicelli and it is packaged in a twisted ball of noodle.


Me said...

I liked the word Floppy cuz that is how they are. I have true taste and I still liked them.

by...K@ Ashcroft said...

I had no idea your mom added v8 to anything but I DO remember being sent to the grocery store (the one that was by Thrifty drug where we would go to get ice cream cones for a nickel, and she had Oleo on the list. I had no idea what Oleo was until I think it was Heather that explained it to me. Your mom was the BEST!